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南强特聘教授 博导


  • 南强特聘教授(2021.01-)

  • 闽江学者 特聘教授(2010.03-)

  • 必赢体育官网登录 副院长(2011.08-2017.11, 其中2011.08-2012.08 主持工作)

  • 必赢体育官网登录海洋与环境学院 副院长(2008.03-2011.08)

  • 必赢体育官网登录 教授(2000.12-)

  • 加拿大圣玛丽斯大学 博士后(1999.09-2000.08)

  • 必赢体育官网登录 海洋化学(海洋生物地球化学)博士(1995.09-1999.08)


  • 海洋生态系统与全球变化、海洋生态学、浮游植物生态学、生物泵与碳循环


  1. Feipeng Wang, Bangqin Huang*, Yuyuan Xie, Shujie Cai, Xiuxiu Wang, Jingli Mu, Diversity, composition, and activities of Nano- and Pico-Eukaryotes in the Northern South China Sea with influences of Kuroshio intrusion, Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021,doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.658233

  2. Jie Kong, Xin Liu, Lei Wang, Hao Huang, Danyun Ou, Jiayu Guo, Edward A. Laws, Bangqin Huang*, Patterns of relative and quantitative abundances of marine bacteria in surface waters of the subtropical Northwest Pacific Ocean estimated with high-throughput quantification sequencing, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 599614, doi:10.3389/fmicb.2020.599614

  3. Lingqi Ma#, Wupeng Xiao#, Edward A. Laws, Xiaolin Bai, Kuo-Ping Chiang, Xin Liu, Jixin Chen, Bagnqin Huang*, Responses of phytoplankton communities to the effect of internal wave-powered upwelling, Limnology and Oceanography, 2021, 66(4):1083-1098

  4. Yuyuan Xie, Lizhen Lin, Wupen Xiao, Xiaolong Yu, Wenlu Lan, Bangqin Huang*, Striking seasonal pattern of primary production in the river-dominated ocean margin of the northern South China Sea (NSCS-RiOMar) revealed by new field and remotely sensed data, Progress in Oceanography, 2020, 189:102470

  5. Yanping Zhong, Xin Liu, Wupeng Xiao, Edward A. Laws, Jixin Chen, Leiwang, Siguang Liu, Fan Zhang, Bangqin Huang*, Phytoplankton community patterns in the Taiwan Strait match the characteristics of their realized niches, Progress in Oceanography, 2020, 186:102366

  6. Yu Mo, Linjian Ou*, Lizhen Lin, Bangqin Huang*, Temporal and spatial variations of alkaline phosphatase activity related to phosphorus status of phytoplankton in the East China Sea, Science of the Total Environment, 2020731139192

  7. Wupeng Xiao, Edward A. Laws, Yuyuan Xie, Lei Wang, Xin Liu*, Jixin Chen, Bingzhang Chen, Bangqin Huang*, Responses of marine phytoplankton communities to environmental changes: New insights from a niche classification scheme, Water Research, 2019, 166:115070  

  8. Xin Liu, Edward A. Laws, Yuyuan Xie, Lei Wang, Lizhen Lin, Bangqin Huang*, Uncoupling of seasonal variations between phytoplankton chlorophyll a and production in the East China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 2019, 124(7):2400-2415

  9. Yibin Huang, Edward A. Laws, Bingzhang Chen, Bangqin Huang*, Stimulation of heterotrophic and autotrophic metabolism in the mixing zone of the Kuroshio Current and northern South China Sea: implications for export production, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences2019, 124(9):2645-26612区  

  10. Yibin Huang, Bingzhang Chen, Bangqin Huang*, Potential overestimation of community respiration in the western Pacific boundary ocean: what causes the putative net heterotrophy in oligotrophic systems?, Limnology and Oceanography, 2019, 64(5):2202-2219, 2区,

  11. Feipeng Wang, Yuyuan Xie, Wenxue Wu, Ping Sun, Lei Wang, Bangqin Huang*, Picoeukaryotic diversity and activity in the northwestern Pacific Ocean based on DNA and RNA high-throughput sequencing, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019,  93259  

  12. Lei Wang, Bangqin Huang*, Edward Allen Laws, Kuanbo Zhou, Xin Liu, Yuyuan Xie, Minhan Dai, Anticyclonic eddy edge effects on phytoplankton communities and particle export in the northern South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research:Oceans, 2018, 123(11):7632-7650, 2

  13. Yibin Huang, Xin Liu, Edward A. Laws, Binzhang Chen, Yan Li, Yuyuan Xie, Yaping Wu, Kunshan Gao*, Bangqin Huang*, Effects of increasing atmospheric CO2 on the marine phytoplankton and bacterial metabolism during a bloom: A coastal mesocosm study, Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 633618-629.  

  14. Wupeng Xiao, Lei Wang, Edward A. Laws, Yuyuan Xie, Jixin Chen, Xin Liu, Bingzhang Chen, Bangqin Huang*, Realized niches explain spatial gradients in seasonal abundance of phytoplankton groups in the South China Sea, Progress in Oceanography, 2018, 162223-239

  15. Yibin Huang#, Bo Yang#*, Bingzhang Chen, Guoqiang Qiu, Haili Wang, Bangqin Huang*, Net community production in the South China Sea Basin estimated from in situ O2 measurements on an Argo profiling float, Deep-Sea Research Part I, 2018 131:54-61. 3

  16. Wupeng Xiao#, Xin Liu#, Andrew J. Irwin, Edward Laws, Lei Wang, Bingzhang Chen, Yang Zeng, Bangqin Huang*, Warming and eutrophication combine to restructure diatoms and dinoflagellates, Water Research, 2018, 128206-216

  17. Wenxue Wu, Ramiro Logares, Bangqin Huang*, Chih-hao Hsieh*, Abundant and rare picoeukaryotic sub-communities present contrasting patterns in the epipelagic waters of marginal seas in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, Environmental Microbiology, 2017, 19 (1): 287-300




  • 国家自然科学基金委重点项目,2022.01-2026.12,南海及邻近西太平洋浮游生物异养过程对生物泵的调控机制研究:深化和集成,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金委专项项目(碳中和专项重点项目),2022.01-2025.12 ,中国海生态系统固碳关键过程与调控机制,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金委重点支持项目-促进海峡两岸科技合作联合基金,2019.1-2022.12,台湾海峡浮游植物群落演变及其对河口羽流-上升流耦合系统的响应,主持

  • 国家重点研发计划全球变化及应对重点专项,2016.07-2021.06, 海洋生态系统储碳过程的多尺度调控及其对全球变化的响应,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目,2014.01-2018.12,南海浮游生态系统结构及其对生物泵效率的调控机制, 主持


  • 2021,必赢体育官网登录 南强特聘教授

  • 2021, 福建省高层次人才A类人才

  • 2016, 福建省特支计划“双百计划”-科技创新领军人才

  • 2010,闽江学者特聘教授 

  • 2010,国家自然科学基金委杰出青年科学基金获得者

  • 2004“教育部新世纪优秀人才计划”入选者
