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南强重点岗位教授 博导


  • 中国科学院植物研究所博士后(2005-2008)

  • 必赢体育官网登录助理教授(2008-2012)

  • 必赢体育官网登录副教授(2012-2017)

  • 美国地质调查局国家湿地中心访问学者(2013-2014)

  • 必赢体育官网登录教授(2017至今)


  • 湿地生态学 

  • 植物生态学 

  • 滨海湿地蓝碳和全球变化  


  1. Gu X, Zhao H, Peng C, Guo X, Lin Q, Yang Q, Chen L*. The mangrove blue carbon sink potential: Evidence from three net primary production assessment methods. Forest Ecology and Management, 2022, 504: 119848.

  2. Chen L*, Lin Q, Krauss KW, Zhang Y, Cormier N, Yang Q. Forest thinning in the seaward fringe speeds up surface elevation increment and carbon accumulation in managed mangrove forests. Journal of Applied Ecology, 2021, 58: 1899-1909.

  3. Gu X, Yang C, Zhao H, Hu N, Krauss KW, Deng C, Chen L*. Sap flow evidence of chilling injury and recovery in mangroves following a spring cold spell. Trees Structure and Function, 2021, 35907-917.

  4. Hong P, Wen Y, Xiong Y, Diao L, Gu X, Feng H, Yang C, Chen L*. Latitudinal gradients and climatic controls on reproduction and dispersal of the nonnative mangrove Sonneratia apetala in China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2021, 248: 106749.

  5. Chen L*#, Feng H#, Gu X, Dong Y, Cheng P, Guo X, Lin Q, Tang T, Zhang Y, Zhu X, Yang S. Linkages of flow regime and micro-topography: prediction for non-native mangrove invasion under sea-level rise. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 2020. doi: 10.1080/20964129.2020.1780159

  6. Fazlioglu F, Chen L*. Introduced non-native mangroves express better growth performance than co-occurring native mangroves. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10:3854.

  7. Gu X, Feng H, Tang T, Tam NFY, Pan H, Zhu Q, Dong Y, Fazlioglu F, Chen L*. Predicting the invasive potential of a non-native mangrove reforested plant (Laguncularia racemosa) in China. Ecological Engineering, 2019, 139: 105591.

  8. Zhao H, Yang S, Guo X, Peng C, Gu X, Deng C*, Chen L*. Anatomical explanations for acute depressions in radial pattern of axial sap flow in two diffuse-porous mangrove species: implications for water use. Tree Physiology, 2018, 38: 277-287.

  9. Chen L*, Wang W, Li QQ, Zhang Y, Yang S, Osland MJ, Huang JL, Peng C. Mangrove species’ responses to winter air temperature extremes in China. Ecosphere, 2017, 8(6):e01865.

  10. Chen L, Wang W*. Ecophysiological responses of viviparous mangrove Rhizophora stylosa seedlings to simulated sea-level rise. Journal of Coastal Research, 2017, 33: 1333-1340.

  11. Chen L, Yan T, Xiong Y, Zhang Y*, Lin G*. Food sources of dominant macrozoobenthos between native and non-native mangrove forests: A comparative study. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2017, 187: 160-167.

  12. 严雪婷,顾肖璇,陈鹭真*. 红树植物生活史过程的能量利用策略. 生态学杂志, 2021, 40(1): 245-254.

  13. 潘文,潘浩,林秋莲,陈鹭真*. 九龙江口秋茄红树林凋落物年季动态及繁殖物候特征. 必赢体育官网登录学报(自然科学版) , 2021.

  14. 陈一宁*,陈鹭真,蔡廷禄,夏小明. 滨海湿地生物地貌学进展及在生态修复中的应用展望. 海洋与湖沼, 2020, 51(5): 1055-1065.

  15. 林秋莲,顾肖璇,陈昕韡,郭旭东,蔡立哲,林利,陈万东,董滢,冯虹毓,蔡厚才,郑陈娟,陈鹭真*. 红树植物秋茄替代互花米草的生态修复评估—以浙江温州为例. 生态学杂志 2020, 39(6): 1761-1768.

  16. 陈烨彬,郭旭东,李康铭,陈鹭真*. 深圳湾外来红树植物海桑幼苗生长及其影响因子. 亚热带植物科学, 2017, 46: 131-136.

  17. 陈鹭真*, 郑文教, 杨盛昌, 王文卿, 张宜辉. 红树林耐寒性和向海性生态系列对气候变化响应的研究进展. 必赢体育官网登录学报(自然科学版), 2017, 56: 305-313.


  1. 陈鹭真,杨盛昌,林光辉 . 全球变化下的中国红树林. 必赢体育官网登录出版社. 2021.5 (ISBN 978-7-5615-8146-9) . (2021年度福建省重点出版立项项目)

  2. 王文卿,石建斌,陈鹭真 . 中国红树林湿地保护与恢复战略研究. 中国环境出版集团. 北京. 2021.9 (ISBN 978-7-5111-4792-9) .

  3. 陈鹭真,钟才荣,陈松,顾肖璇. 海口湿地:红树林篇. 必赢体育官网登录出版社. 2019.7 (ISBN 978-7-5615-7336-5)

  4. 陈鹭真,卢伟志,林光辉译. 滨海蓝碳——红树林、盐沼、海草床碳储量和碳排放因子评估方法. 必赢体育官网登录出版社. 2018.12 (ISBN 978-7-5615-7096-8)

  5. Chen L*, Fan H*, Su Z, Lin Q, Tao Y. Enhancing carbon storage in mangrove ecosystems of China through sustainable restoration and aquaculture actions. In: Krauss KW, Zhu Z, Stagg CL (eds.). Wetland Carbon and Environmental Management. 2022. American Geophysical Union. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  6. Chen Y, Zhang Y, Feng H. Chapter 19. Mangrove carbon sequestration and sediment deposition changes under cordgrass invasion. In: Sidik F, Friess D (eds.). Dynamic Sedimentary Environments of Mangrove Coasts. 2020. pp. 473-509. Elsevier.

  7. Chen L, Chen Y, Zhang Y, Feng H. Chapter 19. Mangrove carbon sequestration and sediment deposition changes under cordgrass invasion. In: Sidik F, Friess D (eds.). Dynamic Sedimentary Environments of Mangrove Coasts. 2020. pp. 473-509. Elsevier.

  8. Chen L. Chapter 5: Invasive Plants in Coastal Wetlands: Patterns and Mechanisms. In An S, Verhoeven J (eds.). Wetlands: Ecosystem Services, Restoration and Wise Use. 2019. pp. 97-128. Springer.

  9. Chowdhury RR, Uchida E, Chen L, Osorio V, Yoder L. Chapter 9: Anthropogenic Drivers of Mangrove Loss: Geographic Patterns and Implications. In Rivera-Monroy VH, Lee SY, Kristensen E, Twilley RR (eds.). Mangrove Ecosystems: A Global Biogeographic Perspective. 2017. pp. 275-300. Springer.


1. 植物生态学

2. 大自然探秘(通识课程)

3. 生态之美(通识课程)

4. 专业英语植物生


  • 福建省海洋经济发展专项资金项目2021.01-2022.12海水营养盐智能分析仪器的研制与示范应用,主持;

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目2021.01-2024.12:CO2倍增和海平面上升驱动下红树林生态系统的固碳功能演变主持

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目2018.01-2019.12:基于能力学的外来红树林植物速生机制与入侵性研究主持

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目2015.01-2018.12:红树植物地上根系对表层沉积物碳库的影响机制主持

  • 福建省自然科学基金,2020.11-2023.11:红树林地表高程变化及其对生物入侵和海平面上升的响应,主持。


  • 2014福建省“高校新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。
