l 1982年7月,毕业于兰州交通大学(原名兰州铁道学院),获给水排水专业工学学士学位。
Graduated from Lanzhou Jiaotong University (former name: Lanzhou Railway College) and Obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Water Supply and Drainage Engineering in July 1982.
l 1985年7月,毕业于兰州交通大学(原名兰州铁道学院)获环境工程专业工学硕士学位。
Graduated from Lanzhou Jiaotong University (former name: Lanzhou Railway College) and Obtained a Master of Engineering in Environment Engineering in July 1985.
l 1985年8月~1988年3月,就职于兰州铁道学院环境工程系,担任助教职务,辅助工程流体力学教学工作。
Worked as a teaching assistant in the Department of Environmental Engineering, Lanzhou Railway College, assisting in the teaching of Engineering Fluid Mechanics,from August 1985 to March 1988.
l 1988年3月~1993年3月,就职于西安冶金建筑学院环境工程系,担任讲师职务,承担给水工程、排水工程、计算机编程等教学任务。
Worked as a lecturer in the Department of Environmental Engineering, Xi 'an Institute of Metallurgy and Architecture, and undertook teaching tasks such as Water Supply Engineering, Drainage Engineering and Computer Programming, from March 1988 to March 1993.
l 1993年3月~1994年3月,就职于山东威海国际经济技术合作公司,担任工程师。
Worked as an engineer in Shandong Weihai International Economic and Technological Cooperation Company, from March 1993 to March 1994.
l 1994年3月-2003年3月,就职于西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院,担任副教授职务,承担污水处理工程、建筑给排水工程、AutoCAD等课程教学任务。
As an associate professor in School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Xi 'an University of Architecture and Technology, responsible for teaching courses such as Sewage Treatment Engineering, Building Water Supply and Drainage Engineering, AutoCAD, et al., Mar. 1994-Mar. 2003.
l 就读于上海同济大学环境科学与工程学院市政工程专业,攻读工学博士,1996年3月~2000年7月。
Majored in Municipal Engineering, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Tongji University, studying for doctor of Engineering, March 1996 ~ July 2000.
Postdoctoral research in Marine Environmental Science Research Station, College of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Xiamen University, from March 2001 to March 2003.
l 2003年3月~2012年6月,就职于必赢体育官网登录海洋与环境学院,担任副教授职务、硕士生导师,承担环境工程原理、工程流体力学、工程制图与AutoCAD等课程教学工作。
Worked as an associate professor and master supervisor in College of Ocean and Environment, Xiamen University,responsible for teaching courses such as Environmental Engineering Principles, Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Drawing and AutoCAD, from March 2003 to June 2012.
l 2012年6月~今,就职于必赢体育官网登录,担任副教授职务、硕士研究生导师,承担工程流体力学、工程制图与AutoCAD、水环境工程理论与设计等课程教学工作。
Worked in The College of Environment and Ecology of Xiamen University as an associate professor and tutor for postgraduate students, responsible for teaching Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Drawing and AutoCAD, Water Environment Engineering Theory and Design and other courses, from June 2012 to now.
Jiajie Wang,Youhai Jing et al. Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Blue Dye by Pure and Platinum Doped Titanium Dioxide Nanotube Phot- Catalysts,Advanced Science Letters American Scientific, Publishers 26650 The Old Road, Suite 208 Valencia, California 91381-0751, USA
景有海 金同轨 范瑾初,均质滤料过滤过程的毛细管去除浊质模型,《中国给水排水》,2000 年16(6)期,页码:1-4。Youhai Jing,Tonggui Jin, Jinchu Fan, Capillaries Model for Turbidity Removal in Filtration Process with Uniform Medium, CHINA WATER & WASTEWATER, 2000,16(6), Page:1-4.
景有海 金同轨 范瑾初,均质滤料过滤过程的水头损失计算模型,《中国给水排水》,2000 年第16(2)期,页码:9-12。Youhai Jing,Tonggui Jin, Jinchu Fan, Calculation Model of Head Loss in the Filtration Process with Uniform Media,CHINA WATER & WASTEWATER, 2000,16(2),Page:9-12.
景有海 金同轨 范瑾初,过滤试验的正交设计,《给水排水》,2000年第26(4)卷,页码:23-24。Youhai Jing,Tonggui Jin, Jinchu Fan ,Orthogonal Experimental Design of Filtration , WATER & WASTEWATER ENGINEERING 2000, 26(4), Page:23-24.
景有海 金同轨 范瑾初,均质滤料直接过滤性能的评价指标,《给水排水》,2000年第26(3) 卷,页码:13-14。Youhai Jing,Tonggui Jin, Jinchu Fan , Indicators to Estimate the Homogeneous Filtrating Material, WATER & WASTEWATER ENGINEERING, 2000, 26(3), Page:13-14.
景有海 王新红 卢涛,利用沸石去除电镀废水中重金属离子的试验研究,《给水排水》,2005年 31(5) 第卷(期),页码:54-57。Youhai Jing, Xinhong Wang, Tao Lu, Research on removal of heavy metals in plating wastewater by zeolite, WATER & WASTEWATER ENGINEERING, 2005, 31(5), Page:54-57.
刘丽莉 景有海 欧阳通,水合氧化铈吸附水中磷酸根特性的研究,《安全与环境学报》,2007年第7(2)卷(期),页码:64-67。Lili Liu, Youhai Jing, Tong Ouyang, Research on adsorption characteristics of the phosphate by hydrous cerium oxide, JOURNAL OF SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT, 2007, 7(2), Page: 64-67.
叶歆 景有海等,厦门西海域拟疏浚沉积物中重金属含量及潜在生态危害评价,《台湾海峡》,2006年 第25(2)卷,页码: 202-208。Xin Ye,Youhai Jing et al., Concentrations of heavy metals in sediments of dredged materials from Xiamen Western Harbor and assessment of potential ecological risk, JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY IN TAIWAN STRAIT, 2006, 25(2), Page:202-208.
吴文珍 景有海,酸析及混凝法处理切削废水的研究,《能源与环境》,2013年 第(2)卷,页码:78-80。Wenzhen Wu,Youhai Jing, Study on treatment of cutting wastewater by acid analysis and coagulation, Energy and Environment, 2013, (2), Page:78-80.
方宏达 景有海,混凝过滤制取再生水用于园林绿化浇灌的可行性研究,《福建林业科技》,2006年第33(2)卷,页码:37-40,57 。 Hongda Fang,Youhai Jing, Research on the Feasibility of Using Coagulation-filtration to Treat Living Wastewater for Green Land Irrigation2006, 33(2) ,Page:37-40,57.
金佳 景有海等,Fenton试剂氧化法处理电子工业清洗废水的实验研究,《环境卫生工程》,2010年第18(6)卷,页码:28-30。 Jia Jin,Youhai Jing et al., Research on Treatment Experiment of Electronic Industry Cleaning Wastewater Using Fenton Reagent Oxidation Method, ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION ENGINEERING, 2010, 18(6), Page:28-30.
林金盾 景有海等,厦门西海域拟疏浚物中重金属含量及其赋存形态与去除重金属污染技术,《海洋环境科学》,2009年第28(1)卷 ,页码:52-56。Jindun Lin,Youhai Jing et al., Content and existing form of heavy metals in the dredged sludge at Xiamen western harbor and the technology for removing its pollution, MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE , 2009, 28(1), Page:52-56.
陈佳文 景有海等,采用Fenton试剂处理半夏泡制废水的试验研究,《环境卫生工程》,2008年第16(3) 卷,页码:32-34。Jiawen Chen,Youhai Jing et al., Study on Treatment of Pinellia ternata Soaking Wastewater Using Fenton Reagent, ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION ENGINEERING, 2008, 16(3), Page:32-34.
林金盾 景有海等,再生生活污水用于城市绿地浇灌的探讨,《水处理技术》,2008年第34(4)卷,页码:73-76。Jindun Lin,Youhai Jing et al., Discussion on the Irrigating Urban Greenland Using Reclaimed Domestic Sewage, TECHNOLOGY OF WATER TREATMENT , 2008, 34(4),Page:73-76.
王宝宗 景有海等,采用内电解法对印染废水进行深度处理,《环境工程》, 2009年S1期。Baozong Wang, Youhai Jing et al., Experiment on Advance Treatment of Printing and Dyeing Wastewater by Internal Electrolysis, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 2009, S1.
Adsorption characteristics of the phosphate on the hydrous ceric oxide
工程流体力学 Engineering Fluid Mechanics
工程制图与 AutoCAD Engineering Drawing and AutoCAD
水环境工程理论与设计 Water Environment Engineering
水质控制工程 Water Quality Control Engineering
1、印染废水膜浓缩液达标排放处理技术研发 Research and development of standard discharge treatment technology for membrane concentrate liquid in printing and dyeing wastewater treatment.
2、切削废液膜浓缩处理技术研发 Research and development of membrane concentration liquid treatment technology in cutting waste liquid treatment.
3、利用生活污泥和剩余污泥生产原油的技术工艺研究 Study on the technology of crude oil production from domestic sludge and surplus sludge.
4、上杭县临城镇汀江流域水环境综合整治实施方案Implementation plan of comprehensive improvement of water environment on Tingjiang River Basin in Lincheng Town, Shanghang County,Longyan city,Fujian Province.
5、高浓度化工氨氮废水回收与处理技术研究Research on recovery and Treatment technology of high concentration chemical engineering ammonia nitrogen wastewater.
6、垃圾渗滤液处理中的膜浓缩液再处理技术研究Study on the retreatment technology of membrane concentrate liquid in landfill leachate treatment.