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岳晶晶 博士/福建农林大学
2022-10-18 14:30:00

岳晶晶,女,讲师,福建省A类引进博士。2015年在兰州大学获得细胞生物学博士学位。2016年-至今在福建农林大学基因组与生物技术研究中心工作。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,福建省科技厅项目等课题4项,参与国家自然科学基金项目和福建省科技重大专项等课题6项。目前主要从事以番木瓜为主的热带、亚热带作物基因组及其生物学性状研究,对番木瓜不同品种的基因组以及生物学性状进行了系统的研究,同时以番木瓜为模式,进行植物性别决定机理以及性染色体进化研究。已经在《Nature Genetics》、《Plant Physiology》、《PLoS Genetics》、《Horticulture Research》等杂志上发表论文15篇。


Transgenic papaya is widely publicized for controlling papaya ringspot virus. However, the impact of particle bombardment on the genome remains unknown. The transgenic SunUp and its progenitor Sunset genomes were assembled into 351.5 and 350.3 Mb in nine chromosomes, respectively. We identified a 1.64 Mb insertion containing three transgenic insertions in SunUp chromosome 5, consisting of 52 nuclear-plastid, 21 nuclear-mitochondrial and 1 nuclear genomic fragments. A 591.9 kb fragment in chromosome 5 was translocated into the 1.64 Mb insertion. We assembled a gapless 9.8 Mb hermaphrodite-specific region of the Yh chromosome and its 6.0 Mb X counterpart. Resequencing 86 genomes revealed three distinct groups, validating their geographic origin and breeding history. We identified 147 selective sweeps and defined the essential role of zeta-carotene desaturase in carotenoid accumulation during domestication. Our findings elucidated the impact of particle bombardment and improved our understanding of sex chromosomes and domestication to expedite papaya improvement.
