教授 博导


l 必赢体育官网登录 教授、博导(2023至今)

l 必赢体育官网登录 副教授、博导(2019-2023

l 苏黎世大学 博士后(2016-2018

l 中山大学 学士(2011)、博士(2016)、特聘副研究员(2019


l 气候变化背景下的生物多样性与生态系统功能

l 植物生态学、群落生态学

l 实验室网站 Lab website



  1. Chen, Y. *, A. Vogel, C. Wagg, T. Xu, M. Iturrate-Garcia, M. Scherer-Lorenzen, A. Weigelt, N. Eisenhauer, and B. Schmid*. 2022. Drought-exposure history increases complementarity between plant species in response to a subsequent drought. Nature Communications 13:3217.

  2. Chen, Y.#, Y. Huang#, P. A. Niklaus, N. Castro-Izaguirre, A. T. Clark, H. Bruelheide, K. Ma, and B. Schmid*. (2020). Directed Species Loss Reduces Community Productivity in a Subtropical Forest Biodiversity Experiment. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4: 550-559.#共同第一作者

  3. Huang, Y. #, Y. Chen#, N. Castro-Izaguirre, M. Baruffol, M. Brezzi, A. Lang, Y. Li, W. Härdtle, G. von Oheimb, X. Yang, X. Liu, K. Pei, S. Both, B. Yang, D. Eichenberg, T. Assmann, J. Bauhus, T. Behrens, F. Buscot, X.-Y. Chen, D. Chesters, B.-Y. Ding, W. Durka, A. Erfmeier, J. Fang, M. Fischer, L.-D. Guo, D. Guo, J. L. M. Gutknecht, J.-S. He, C.-L. He, A. Hector, L. Hönig, R.-Y. Hu, A.-M. Klein, P. Kühn, Y. Liang, S. Li, S. Michalski, M. Scherer-Lorenzen, K. Schmidt, T. Scholten, A. Schuldt, X. Shi, M.-Z. Tan, Z. Tang, S. Trogisch, Z. Wang, E. Welk, C. Wirth, T. Wubet, W. Xiang, M. Yu, X.-D. Yu, J. Zhang, S. Zhang, N. Zhang, H.-Z. Zhou, C.-D. Zhu, L. Zhu, H. Bruelheide*, K. Ma*, P. A. Niklaus*, and B. Schmid*. (2018). Impacts of species richness on productivity in a large-scale subtropical forest experiment. Science 362:80-83. (#共同第一作者)

  4. Chen, Y. #, M. N. Umaña#, M. Uriarte, and S. Yu*. (2018). Abundance-dependent effects of neighbourhood dissimilarity and growth rank reversal in a neotropical forest. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285:20172878. (#共同第一作者)

  5. Chen, Y., S.J. Wright, H.C. Muller-Landau, S.P. Hubbell, Y. Wang, and S. Yu*. (2016) Positive effects of neighborhood complementarity on tree growth in a neotropical forest. Ecology, 97, 776-785.


l 生态学实验设计与数据分析

l 生物多样性与人类健康

l 生态学野外实习

l 生态之美


l 国家自然科学基金-优秀青年基金(2024-2026

l 国家自然科学基金-面上项目 (2021-2024)

l 福建省雏鹰计划(2021-


l 福建省引进高层次人才

l 南强青年拔尖人才
