

  • 必赢体育官网登录 副教授(2018.07-至今)

  • 必赢体育官网登录 助理教授(2009.02-2018.06

  • 必赢体育官网登录 动物学博士(2004.09-2008.09

  • Associate professor, Xiamen University (2018.07–present)

  • Assistant Professor, Xiamen University (2009.02-2018.06)

  • PhD, Zoology, Xiamen University (2003.09-2008.08)


  • 鸟类分子生态学


  • Avian molecular ecology

  • Animal diversity and conservation


  • Yunlei Zhang, Dongmei Xie, Qingxian Lin*, Xiaoping Zhou*, Seawater warming intensifies nickel toxicity to a marine copepod: a multigenerational perspective, Aquatic Toxicology, 2023, 264, 106730.

  • Zhuoan Bai, Yu Zhang, Luman Cheng, Xiaoping Zhou*, Minghua Wang*, Nanoplastics pose a greater effect than microplastics in enhancing mercury toxicity to marine copepods, Chemosphere, 2023, 325, 138371.

  • Haoran Luo, Site Luo, Wenzhen Fang, Qingxian Lin, Xiaolin Chen*, Xiaoping Zhou*, Genomic insight into the nocturnal adaptation of the black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), BMC GENOMICS, 2022, 23, 1, 683.

  • Haoran Luo, Wenzhen Fang, Qingxian Lin, Xiaolin Chen, Xiaoping Zhou*, Characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome of Elanus caeruleus Desfontaines, 1789 (Accipitriformes: Accipitridae), MITOCHONDRIAL DNA PART B-RESOURCES, 2022, 7, 4, 627-628.

  • Zhijun Huang, Xiaoping Zhou, Wenzhen Fang*, Xiaolin Chen*, Migration and wintering of vulnerable adult Chinese Egrets (Egretta eulophotes) revealed by GPS tracking, AVIAN RESEARCH, 2022, 13, 100055.

  • Zhijun Huang, Xiaoping Zhou, Wenzhen Fang*, Hailong Zhang, Xiaolin Chen*, Autumn migration routes and wintering areas of juvenile Chinese Egrets (Egretta eulophotes) revealed by GPS tracking, AVIAN RESEARCH, 2021, 12, 65.

  • Wei Xu, Xiaoping Zhou, Wenzhen Fang, Xiaolin Chen, Primer development of toll-like receptor genes in the vulnerable Chinese egret (Egretta eulophotes) and its applicability in Ardeidae, CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES, 2021, 13, 1, 27-30.


  • 动物生物学实验

  • 分子生态学

  • 生态学专业生产实习(参与)

  • 生物多样性及保护专题 (参与)

  • Experiments of Animal Biology

  • Molecular Ecology

  • Production Practice of Ecology (Participant)

  • Biodiversity and Conservation (Participant)


  • 福建省自然科学基金计划项目,2022.08-2025.08,黄嘴白鹭群体历史动态及其对气候变化的响应,主持;

  • 仙游县生态国有林场,横向课题,2023.11-2026.10,福建木兰溪源省级自然保护区生物多样性研究与森林生态系统效益和经济效应评估咨询,参与;

  • 福建戴云山国家级自然保护区管理局,横向课题,2023.06-2025.12,福建戴云山国家级自然保护区生物资源本底调查,参与;

  • 福建闽江源国家级自然保护区管理局,横向课题,2023.08-2026.02,福建闽江源国家级自然保护区管理局鸟类资源本底调查,参与;

  • 福建雄江黄楮林国家级自然保护区管理处,横向课题,2022.10-2026.06,黄楮林保护区生物多样性研究,参与;

  • 南平茫荡山国家级自然保护区管理处,横向课题,2022.04-2025.05,福建茫荡山国家级自然保护区生物资源本底调查,参与。

  • Fujian Natural Science Foundation of China2022.12-2025.11The historical demography of the Chinese Egret and the response to the climate changePI;

  • Ecological state-owned forest farms of Xianyou County, horizontal project , 2023.11-2026.10, Biodiversity Research and Consultancy on Assessment of Forest Ecosystem Benefits and Economic Effects in Fujian Mulan River Source Provincial Nature Reserve, Participant;

  • Fujian Daiyunshan National Nature Reserve Administration, horizontal project2023.06-2025.12, Baseline Survey of Biological Resources of Fujian Daiyunshan National Nature Reserve, Participant;

  • Fujian Minjiangyuan National Nature Reserve Administration, horizontal project, 2023.08-2026.02.12, Baseline Survey of the birds of Fujian Minjiangyuan National Nature Reserve, Participant;

  • 5.Fujian Xiongjiang Huangchulin National Nature Reserve, Administration, horizontal project, 2022.10-2026.06, Biodiversity survey of Huangchulin Nature Reserve, Participant;

  • 6 Nanping Mangdangshan National Nature Reserve Administration, horizontal project, 2022.04-2025.05, Baseline Survey of Biological Resources of Mangdangshan National Nature Reserve, Participant.

