副教授 博导


  • 必赢体育官网登录 副教授(2022.12-至今)

  • 西澳大利亚大学 博士后(2017.02 - 2022.09)

  • 林肯大学 生态学博士(2013.04 - 2017.04)


  • 矿山生态修复

  • 土壤磷循环


  • Hongtao Zhong, Jun Zhou. (2022). Response to Ding et al.: Carboxylate exudation may promote C sequestration in drylands. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 37(1), 12-13.

  • Hongtao Zhong, Hans Lambers, Wei-San Wong, Kingsley Dixon, Jason Stevens, Adam Cross. (2021). Initiating pedogenesis of magnetite tailings using Lupinus angustifolius (narrow-leaf lupin) as an ecological engineer to promote native plant establishment. Science of the Total Environment. 788. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147622

  • Hongtao Zhong#, Jun Zhou#, Azrul Azmi, André J. Arruda, Ashlea L. Doolette, Ronald J. Smernik, Hans Lambers. (2021). Xylomelum occidentale (Proteaceae) accesses relatively mobile soil organic phosphorus without releasing carboxylates. Journal of Ecology. 109(1), 246-259.

  • Hongtao Zhong, Carol Smith, Brett Robinson, Young-Nam Kim, Nicholas Dickinson. (2021). Soil phosphorus dynamics along a short-term ecological restoration trajectory of a coastal sandplain forest in New Zealand. Land Degradation & Development. 32(3), 1250-1261.

  • Hongtao Zhong, Kingsley W. Dixon. (2020). E-greening the planet. Ecology Letters. 23(12), 1733-1735.

  • Hongtao Zhong, Jun Zhou, Wei-San Wong, Adam Cross, Hans Lambers. (2021). Exceptional nitrogen-resorption efficiency enables Maireana species (Chenopodiaceae) to function as pioneers at a mine-restoration site. Science of the Total Environment. 779. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146420

  • Hongtao Zhong, Young-Nam Kim, Carol Smith, Brett Robinson, Nicholas Dickinson. (2017). Seabird guano and phosphorus fractionation in a rhizosphere with earthworms. Applied Soil Ecology. 120, 197-205.

  • Hongtao Zhong, Carol Smith, Brett Robinson, Young-Nam Kim, Nicholas Dickinson. (2017). Plant litter variability and soil N mobility. Soil Research. 55(3), 253-263.




