

  • 必赢体育官网登录 副教授(2021.10 - 至今)

  • 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 博士后(2019.08 - 2021.10)

  • 美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校 博士(2014.08 - 2019.08)


l 环境-社会经济系统建模分析与优化调控Environmental-socio-economic system modelling and optimization

n 人海耦合系统模拟与优化调控

n 粮食-能源-水系统模型与协同机制

l 生命周期评价(Environmental-socio-economic system modelling and optimization,LCA)

n 碳足迹数据库建设与评估

n 生命周期影响评价方法改进



  1. Huang, Z., Kijko G., Scanlon K., Lloyd, S., Henderson, A., Fantke, P., Jolliet, O., Li, S.*, 2023, System approach for characterizing and evaluating factors for occupational health impacts due to nonfatal injuries and illnesses for the use in life cycle assessment, Environmental Science & Technology.57(32),11738-1 1749.

  2. Li, S., Cai, X.,* Niroula, S., Wallington, K., Gramig, B., Cusick, R., Singh, V., McIsaac, G., Oh, S., Kurambhatti, C., Emaminejad, A., John, S., 2023. “Integrated agricultural practices and engineering technologies enhance synergies of food-energy-water systems in Corn Belt Watersheds.” Environmental Science & Technology57(25), 9194–9203.

  3. You, J., Li, S.*, Chen, N., Yang, X., Kurambhatti, C., Cai, X., Singh, V., 2023. “Phosphorus (P) recovery from corn biorefineries is promising for mitigating environmental impacts and promoting the P circular economy”, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 198, 107194

  4. 李少斌, 余丹, 孔俊, 陈纪新, 吴水平, 王曜, 陈能汪*. 2022. 海岸带陆海气氮磷污染协同治理:监测、模拟与决策. 环境工程, 40(6): 1221.

  5. Li, S.,# Wallington, K.,# Niroula, S.,# Cai, X.,* 2022. “A modified response matrix method to approximate SWAT for computationally intense applications, Environmental Modelling & Software, 148, 105269.

  6. Thompson, M., Moussavi, S., Li, S., Barutha, P., Dvorak, B., 2022. Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of small water resource recovery facilities: Comparison of mechanical and lagoon systems. Water Research. 215, 118234.

  7. Li, S., Cai, X.,* Emaminejad, S., Juneja, A., Niroula, S., Oh, S., Wallington, K., Cusick, R., Gramig, B., John, S., Gregory, M., Singh, V., 2021. “Developing an Integrated Technology-Environment-Economics Model to Simulate Food-Energy-Water Systems in Corn Belt Watersheds, Environmental Modelling & Software, 143, 105083.

  8. Li, S.,# Aryan, E.,# Aguiar, S., Cai, X., Cusick, R.,* 2021 “Evaluating long-term treatment performance and cost of nutrient removal at water resource recovery facilities under stochastic influent characteristics using artificial neural networks as surrogates for plant-wide modeling,”, ACS ES&T Engineering, 1 (11), 1517-1529.

  9. Li, S., Thompson, M., Sussan M., Dvorak, B.*, 2021 “Life cycle and economic assessment of corn production practices in the western US Corn Belt,” Sustainable Production and Consumption, 27, 1762-1774.

  10. Li, S.,* Qin, Y., Dvorak, B. I., Subbiah, J. 2020. “Life cycle assessment of the U.S. beef processing through integrated hybrid approach,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 265, 121813.

  11. Li, S., Dvorak, B. I.,* Subbiah, J. 2019. “Environmental and occupational impacts from U.S. beef slaughtering are of same magnitude of beef foodborne illnesses on human health,” Environment International, 129, 507-516.

  12. Li, S., Zhilyaey, S., Dvorak, B. I.,* Gallagher, D., Subbiah, J. 2019. “Sustainability of safe foods: an integrated life cycle assessment of antimicrobial systems in U.S. beef processing,” Science of The Total Environment, 691, 252-262.

  13. Li, S., Kinser, C., Ziara, R. M., Dvorak, B. I., Subbiah, J. 2018. “Environmental and economic implications of food safety interventions: Life cycle and operating cost assessment of antimicrobial systems in US beef packing industry,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 198, 541-550.

  14. Li, S., Ziara, R., Dvorak, B. I., Subbiah, J., 2018. “Assessment of water and energy use at process level in U.S. beef packing industry: case study in a typical U.S. large-size plant,” Journal of Food Processing Engineering, e12919.


  • 环境系统分析


  • 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(42361144862): 全球变化背景下的滨海环境-社会经济系统可持续性:中国-马来西亚比较研究,2024.1-2026.12,60万元,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金重大专项-培育项目(72348004, 自然-社会耦合系统中海水养殖碳足迹多应用场景生命周期建模方法,2023.1-2025.1260万元,主持

  • 美国自然科学基金会 (1739788), INFEWS/T1: Advancing FEW System Resilience in the Corn Belt by Integrated Technology-Environment-Economics Modeling of Nutrient Cycling, 2017-2023, 243万美金, 主要参与人


2023, 厦门市高层次人才(C类)

2022, 福建省高层次人才(C类,海外引进)、厦门高层次留学人员



  • Ecosystem Health and Sustainability》青年编委,2024 – 现今

  • Carbon Research》青年编委,2023 - 现今

  • Resources, Environment and Sustainability》青年编委,2023 - 现今


  • 联合国环境署全球生命周期评价方法(GLAM)项目成员          2021-present

  • American Geography Union, member                                       2019-present

  • Environmental & Water Resources Institute, ASCE                     2019-present

  • International Society for Industrial Ecology                               2018-present

  • American Center for Life Cycle Assessment                              2017-present

期刊评审(Journal referees):

  • Nature Food

  • Environmental Science & Technology

  • Resources, Conservation & Recycling

  • Journal of Industrial Ecology

  • Science of Total Environment

  • Journal of Cleaner Production

  • Journal of Environmental Management

  • International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment

  • Journal of the American Water Resources Association
